Publicis More

At regular intervals, Publicis More picks up on current topics and trends and highlights them in exclusive publications. We look at the topics from three perspectives: Opinions of different target groups, changing behavior and media and consumer behavior. On around 10 pages, interested parties receive compactly prepared core results in order to make well-founded decisions and tailor strategy and communication to the needs of the target groups.

US elections 2024

The US elections on November 5, 2024 are also attracting a lot of interest in Germany. That's why we asked in this issue of Publicis More: Who is likely to emerge victorious? What impact will the election have on the economy and the security situation in Europe, Germany and the private sphere? And how do we perceive the media coverage in Germany?

Published: 10/24

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How did you get to work today? On foot, by car or by public transport? Which means of transportation are currently preferred by the population, and to what extent have sharing services been able to establish themselves across the board? These are just some of the questions we explore in this issue of Publicis More.

Published: 08/24

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Vaccination readiness

Why do people get vaccinated? Who is involved in the decision and which measures are even perceived as a hindrance? Companies can help to break down the barriers in order to positively promote willingness to be vaccinated.

Published: 08/24

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In this issue, we look at the topic of sustainability. The following trend questions were of particular interest to us: In which economic sectors do the different generations consider sustainable action and consumption to be particularly relevant? And much more.

Published: 06/24

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European Football Championship

How high is the anticipation for the European Football Championship and can advertisers still meet Gen Z in this environment? Which industries are perceived as suitable advertising partners and how do fans feel about TV commercials during half-time?

Published: 03/24

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Perspective analysis on International Women's Day

In this special issue, we focus on the perspectives of women and men from different generations. We look at satisfaction, life plans, the professional environment and much more, thereby creating an awareness of the different perspectives.

Published: 03/24

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Personalized advertising

80% rate personalized advertising predominantly positively. But are we really prepared to disclose our health data for personalized advertising while at the same time fighting vehemently against the use of our private social media data? Where do we draw the line?

Published: 03/24

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Environmental protection is important for 67% and 1/3 adjust their purchasing behavior accordingly according to their own statements. A look at the areas of food, electrical appliances, clothing and vacations shows in which areas it is rather easy or difficult and how advertisers could break down barriers by pointing out suitable advantages.

Published: 12/23

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Audio streaming

Different generations use different audio providers and have different approaches to finding new content - some spontaneous, others targeted. The points of influence also vary, from social media to recommendation algorithms.

Published: 11/23

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To what extent does knowledge about artificial intelligence differ between the various generations? In medicine, ethical rules for the use of AI are highly relevant for everyone. For Gen Z, the use of AI technology in advertising creates added value. However, everyone is still concerned about the misuse of data.

Published: 10/23

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Barbecue season

Are there still traditional roles in barbecuing and is the charcoal grill still the most popular? How often are classic barbecue sausages replaced by vegetarian or vegan options? Which media are used to search for new purchases and which stores are preferred?

Published: 07/23

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Gaming Insights

77% of gamers play video games several times a week or even daily. However, women and men show clear differences in motivation, intensity of use and preferred device. A look at personality traits also provides companies with important insights for addressing target groups appropriately.

Published: 07/23

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FIFA Women's World Cup

How high is the interest in the FIFA Women's World Cup and what are the chances of the German team doing well? Good news for advertisers: For more than 1/3 of Gen Z & Y, advertising during the World Cup is positively anchored.

Published: 06/23

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Gas price brake

The gas and electricity price brake affects everyone, but not everyone knows the framework conditions, their current tariff and feels well informed on the subject by the state or provider.

Published: 06/23

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Ban on advertising unhealthy foods

What do Germans think about the forthcoming ban on advertising unhealthy foods? Who is in favor of it and for what reasons, what responsibility is seen in the family and what role is assigned to the media?

Published: 06/23

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Which group of people is particularly familiar with cookies and how many people regularly delete their cookies? What actually characterizes the 25% of respondents who would be willing to invest money to avoid cookies?

Published: 03/23

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Escape from carnival or get into the thick of it? Street carnival or private party and how much are the revellers prepared to spend on their costume? At the same time, there is growing concern about feeling unsafe at street carnivals and an above-average number of boomers would like to see government regulation.

Published: 03/23

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How much is the current economic situation affecting people of different ages and stages of life? Are they postponing planned purchases, are consumers changing their buying behavior and do they perceive advertising differently in these times?

Published: 02/23

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