April 15, 2024

Publicis Media defends Fielmann account

Publicis Media defends Fielmann account and establishes its own agency Fielmann Connect in Hamburg

After thirteen years, the media agency group Publicis Media has once again proven to be the right partner for the future with its client Fielmann. The team led by Publicis Media CEO Olivier Korte and Business Director Vanessa Lange defended the mandate for media strategy, planning and buying in the markets of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Luxembourg for what is by its own account the largest optician in Central Europe.

The decision in the pitch accompanied by Ebiquity was made in favor of the budget holder in particular due to the special focus on networked cooperation.

"In a very competitive environment, Publicis Media impressed us with a future-proof concept in terms of strategy, team setup and data expertise. We were impressed by the in-depth understanding of target groups and concrete implementation ideas for closer and cross-divisional collaboration," says Stefan Rohde, Director Media at Fielmann, explaining the decision. "We need to link media and creation even better in order to be able to guarantee a holistic approach to target groups across the entire consumer funnel. This connection is the key to success."

Publicis Media will now set up the tailor-made agency Fielmann Connect under the umbrella of the previous media agency Zenith. This will take place at the Hamburg Publicis location in Bieber-Haus to ensure the greatest possible proximity to customers.

"We didn't just want to offer a solution for today, but also for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow," explains Olivier Korte. "The aim of Fielmann Connect is to break down silos, bring all partners together as equals and view communication from a holistic perspective. In line with Publicis Groupe's Power of One approach, we worked together across agencies and brought the right people together to answer the customer briefing holistically. In addition to talents from Zenith and Publicis Media, we were supported by teams from MSL, Unlimited and Starcom. The result was a great one-team result."

The aim now is to apply the basic idea of "Connection" not only to Fielmann and its internal teams and markets, but also to other participating service providers such as creative agencies. The "Connection Lead" will be taken over by Vanessa Lange.

Fielmann Connect started work at the beginning of January.

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